Role and procedures of BEREC: "Articles 7 and 7a of the Framework Directive the findings of market definition, SMP assessment and – if applicable - the proposed remedies have to be notified to the Commission and other NRAs. The aim of this EU notification, the so-called Article 7 procedure, is to contribute to the development of a single market in electronic communications by ensuring co-operation among NRAs, and between NRAs and the Commission.
Once an NRA notifies the Commission of its proposed measure the case is assessed by the Commission within one month. At the end of this period and provided that the notified measure does not raise “serious doubts” as to its compatibility with EU law, the Commission may decide to comment. Regulators should take account of these comments before adopting the draft measure in question. When the Commission expresses serious doubts and opens a so-called Phase II, its investigation period is extended for two months more in the Article 7 cases, or for three months more in the Article 7a investigations. If this situation occurs, BEREC has to issue an opinion,,," 'via Blog this'