Tuesday, October 03, 2017

ECTA - After European Parliament vote, challenges remain to make Code fully pro-competitive

ECTA - After European Parliament vote, challenges remain to make Code fully pro-competitive: "Estonian Presidency proposal of 22 September 2017 embodies significant risk for future competition by allowing the benefits of a fully-fledged toolbox to be wiped out and operators with significant market power (SMP) to be granted regulatory holidays under the cover of the co-investment banner.

 Without decisive action in the course of interinstitutional negotiations, the Code risks sacrificing a functioning SMP regime – the core of sectoral regulation that has created benefits for end-users in the EU by promoting competition – for promises of co-investment. To make co-investment a competitively sustainable reality, ECTA considers that the upcoming negotiations urgently need to address the issue of co-ownership, while ensuring access to non-participating operators on terms that enable them to compete effectively." 'via Blog this'

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