Monday, February 19, 2007

Suggested questions - ideas?

1. Is the 2006 review of the Electronic Communications framework likely to lead to greater legal powers for the European Commission or national regulators? Assess with respect to the arguments of the European Regulators group, national governments and the Commissioner.
2. It has been claimed that in the Competition Appeal Tribunal in 2003, 'Freeserve lost, British Telecom lost and Oftel lost.' Do you agree? What will be the future for margin squeeze tests under the new regulatory settlement for BT Openreach?
3. Will Voice-over-Internet-Protocol be regulated as a telecoms or an Internet service? Illustrate your answer with reference to regulatory proposals in both mobile and fixed telephony.
4. Will telecoms law ever be supplanted by competition law? Explain with reference to the case law of national regulators and expert testimony.
5. What does net neutrality mean for European regulators? Explain with regard to the EC Staff Working Paper.

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