Monday, February 09, 2009

Remaning seminars

Seminar 5: Mobile Networks and Network Remedies

[2008] CAT 12, 20 May 2008: Case(s): 1092/3/3/07 British Telecommunications plc v Office of Communications (Termination Rate Dispute) at

Chapter 6. Authorisation and Licensing, Anne Flanagan

Sandbach, J. (2001) Levering open the local loop: shaping BT for competition 3 info 3 at 195-202

Cave, Martin (2002) Is LoopCo the answer? 4 info 4 at 25-31

Seminar 6: Broadband Regulation

Cadman, R. and Dineen, C. (2005) Broadband Access Markets in Europe: Why Regulation should Promote Competition at

OfCom (2006) Next Generation Networks: Developing the regulatory framework, March, at

Voice over IP and NGNs

Seminar 7: Network Neutrality

Chapter 12. Content Regulation: Broadcasting, Internet, Premium Rate Services , Nick Higham

Whitt, Rick (2005) Living on the Deep Edge: The Nature of Innovation, The Emerging Internet-Based Ecosystem, And Some Implications for U.S. Broadband Policy, mimeo presented at

Seminar 8: International and Comparative Telecoms Agencies

Drake, W. Chapter 5 in Marsden, C., ed. Regulating the Global Information Society (Routledge, 2000) Chapter 13. The National and International Regulatory Regimes, Ian Walden

Marcus, Scott (2005) Is the US dancing to a different drummer? 60 Communications et Strategies pp39-58

Naftel, Mark and Spiwak, Lawrence (2001) The Telecoms Trade War, Hart Publishing,

OECD (2006) DSTI/ICCP/TISP(2005)6/FINAL January 11: ‘Telecommunication Regulatory Institutional Structures And Responsibilities’ at

Seminar 9: Developing Countries, Technology Bypass and Universal Service

Chapter 15. Telecommunications Reform in Developing Countries

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