Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Appealing an Ofcom Regulatory Decision

Appealing a Telecoms Regulatory Decision - Technology's Legal Edge:

"The CAT provided a neat summary with respect to its jurisdiction, which is to review sector regulatory decisions on their merits. It cited observations from two previous Court of Appeal decisions, namely:

 that the applicant must show that the decision of Ofcom itself is wrong [Everything Everywhere Limited v Ofcom (Mobile Call Termination) [2013] EWCA Civ 154 at 22]; and

 that if Ofcom addressed the right question by reference to relevant material, any value judgment on its part must carry great weight [Teleconica O2 UK Limited v Ofcom [2012] EWCA Civ 1002 at 67].

The CAT concluded that Ofcom had in fact conducted a thorough market review process, consulting with all stakeholders, with BEREC and the EC and publishing a number of consultation documents, as well as holding meetings. During the course of its review Ofcom had taken into account the various benefits and concerns it had with respect to PIA and had invited responses from the industry on them.'via Blog this'

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